Project Proposal

Quentin’s project proposal

                                                Why I want to be a teacher?

            Teachers are people who help giving or providing information for their students, giving a way for student to become successful later in their future. Many jobs are challenging especially being a teacher, when we want to become a teacher we must learn how to be patience with facing our own work, students, and sometimes parents, some students might be hard to handle since they are still young and immature while facing parents the teacher should take their complains and take it as a lesson for our own teaching method. When I ask and think to myself what a teacher is, I image them as kind, loving, and the most patience person in the world, they are one of the factor that will make us successful in life. For me, teacher not only teaching and giving information of the book, they also give their life experience to the student, give a lesson to a students to they don’t make mistake as the older generations do for example, littering, racist, making the world become worse place to live in, and so on. That’s why my goal when I become a grown up is to become a teacher who teach based on my experience to tell the students about my life experience, teaching the students to become more useful to the society and become the voices of the world.

            My image of being a teacher is that me as a teacher will be the hero without remuneration. Students will learn from my experience just like they learn how to walk, they might not remember how they learn how to walk but they definitely know how to walk, what I mean is we don’t need to be acknowledge by the students, I just want them to become successful later in the future and that’s what makes me happy. I want the students to become more aware of the difficulties that are happening around them, respect the others, listen to others opinion, and be creative of what they are doing. By doing those thing they will be respected by others and will be listened by others around them too.

            I can learn how to become a better teacher by listening to others and learn from them. My parents are the exemplar for how to become a great teacher in the future. My parents taught me how to become a better person in life, my mom teach me how to be loving and patience, because she is the figure in the world that most known as the most patience person in the world and my dad is the one who taught me how to become stronger, physically and mentally. Parents and teachers have similar jobs, teacher teach their students while parents teach their kids, by learning from my parents to become a teacher will be a useful method. Applying patience and kind to the students as a teacher will definitely become an ideal teacher, and learning how to be strong facing complains, problems, work also things that are also going to be a precious lesson to be learn as a teacher.

            In conclusion, my career that I want to pursue is being a great teacher to the students and their parents. Making the next generation becoming useful and the voices of this world is my number one priority goal, make this world a better place. Teaching the students will whole my heart, my experience and my knowledge that I get from my parents who were always kind, patience and strong. I hope I can be the best teacher for the students later, I will do my best to achieve my goal in life.

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